Pop-up arcade games at the central city library...for a month! Also, game making w/shops. #ALMakers @Auckland_Libs http://ift.tt/1EAAkQQ
— baruk (@feddabonn) April 1, 2015
from Twitter http://ift.tt/1hh1uOd
April 01, 2015 at 03:31PM
Pop-up arcade games at the central city library...for a month! Also, game making w/shops. #ALMakers @Auckland_Libs http://ift.tt/1EAAkQQ
— baruk (@feddabonn) April 1, 2015
I am going to show you how to build a DIY emergency lighting system that will automatically turn on when the power goes out
The post Emergency Lighting System appeared first on Make:.
I got the task to setup LACP witch an not so new 3com siwtch on one side and a Debian Jessie + OpenVSwitch on the other. Usally not a so big problem. Just keep in mind, 3com was bought by HP and is still using 3com software in their newer products. It's even possible to update an 3com switch with HP firmware if you're lucky to know which HP product matches your HP switch. Back to the task: setup LACP. I've done everything mentioned in the manual: Check all ports are the same media type All ports must be configured in the same way * have the same LACP priority
Everything seems be ok. The documentation also say that all Ports will loose their individual port conifiguration when added. On the switch side I can see the switch is showing my Linux Box as port partner, but still the link group isn't going into 'Active' state. Still showing 'The port is not configured properly.'. An update is not a option from remote, to much service depends on this switch. Let's take a closer look on the VLAN configuration. The LACP group isn't configured yet for any VLAN. But the ports still have an old configuration with tagged VLAN and is in hybrid mode? Why? It has a PVID configured, but not an untagged vlan asigned. Looks strange.
Go to VLAN -> Modify Port: Select both LACP ports as well as the LACP group and set them into Trunk mode without any VLAN. Now the LACP changed to active. Maybe this changed in newer HP firmware versions.
Hey Twitter, know of 3D modelling capable laptops give-able to the Roskill South Makers: https://t.co/vYGImakuMv? Please RT. #ALMakers
— baruk (@feddabonn) March 30, 2015
Welcome to First VHS-GIS Workshop.
In this first workshop, we will look into how to create different datasets of terrain surface from raw Digital Elevation Model using ArcGIS platform. We will look at some of the different sources, where to get DEM tiles, how to work with, as well as some things in DEM tiles. For the practice, we will map an island nearby the City of Vancouver, or possibly other place we decide.
In this workshop, we will idealy create and explore the following surface datasets:
And if time permits and depending on how we manage to make it, we might be able to overlay created datasets in visually appealing manner.
Participants are welcome to watch and ask questions. Unfortunately the software program is not free. I will use version 9.3 of ArcGIS during workshop. Participants may download a 60-day free trial version of ArcGIS from ESRI Canada website; though, I think only newer ArcGIS version 10.x is available for trial download, which will not be consistent with the version I will use and, I will not be able to coordinate.
If you can get ArcGIS v. 9.3, or trial version of it – great! If not, please feel free to bring your laptops and experiment how you can connect your technologies, if you like to. Certainly bring your notebook and pen/pencil to take notes.
Please note: this ongoing event will not repeat the activities from previous dates; each following event will idealy cover next steps (after creating datasets, we will look into categorizing, classification, overlay, scaling, projection, layout …), so participation on every scheduled date is strongly encouraged.
Please ask in comments and, I will try to accommodate your interests into the workshop, as long as you post well ahead of the first date.
Donations will be much appreciated for “I am broke as a joke”.
Oh.., yeah ..! For dates and tickets please follow this eventbrite.ca link:
The workshop is planned to take place at the VHS, 104 – 1715 Cook Street, Vancouver V5Y 3J6.
Friday March 27th, 2015 starting @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
VHS members, friends of VHS members and anyone who can get in.
Event hosted by Yuriy Shevchuk (a.k.a. Neo Shevyuchtayuk – Native Earthian whose name was modified by harsh rocky Canadian environment)!
Looking forward to seeing you there.
If you’ve seen any episode of South Park past season nine, you probably recall the catchy, goofy theme song. What you might not know is that Primus frontman Les Claypool not only composed those funky sounds, but popularized the easy-to-build instrument on which he performs the theme song. The Whamola […]
The post appeared first on Make:.
The Raspberry Pi contest is has ended. A winner will be announced on March 5th.
The post Raspberry Pi Week appeared first on Make:.
In this project, I am going to show you how to make giant dinosaur footprints.
The post DIY Dinosaur Footprints appeared first on Make:.
The Interactive Show is coming up faster than Big Dog on a graphene high! This year we’ve been musing over the future and our relationship between us our robot friends. So much of our imaginations have been shoehorned into narratives of subservience (Jetsons, the Matrix) or all-out war (Terminator, the Butlerian Jihad). Why not envision a future where we party hard with our robotic friends instead? This year, we’re calling all of Brooklyn’s finest interaction artists to portray the future, preferably with robots in it, through interactive art. Here’s some footage from last year’s show to give you an idea of what you’d be in for:
This year’s show will be May 30th. If you’re interested in being part of a show, drop us a line at ishow@nycresistor.com! Try to get in touch by April 26th so we can make sure there’s space for your project. Hope to hear from you soon!
Group of 3D enthusiasts meet on a Saturday morning at the DFL. |
Charlotte makes sure her designs sits flat on the workspace. |
Amy keeps an eye on the latest project. |
As Kevin speaks, Dmriti and Andrew choose interlocking shapes. |
We have 2 of our $30 Arduino “beginners kits” remaining, each containing 1 non genuine Chinese Arduino “clone” and a selection of carefully selected basic electronic parts in a bespoke laser cut box.
No specific plans for this one – you are welcome to bring in your own project to boast, explain or seek assistance.
Please don’t forget to BRING YOUR LAPTOP if you want to get the most out of your visit.
$10 in the tin supports the existence of our geek-friendly makerspace.
We bottled our first ever wine at Resistor today. Two of our members and a couple of other folks in the community learned how to make basement wine from an honest to god bensonhurst italian.
We’ve only bottled the Monte Pulciano and the Merlot. Both came out great.
Die Antwort auf die eine Millionen Euro Frage lautet: Shimano STePS!
Nach der großen Veröffentlichung des neuen eBullitt mit einem voll integriertem Shimano STePS Antrieb ist bei King Larry Hochbetrieb! Wir werden das neue Bullitt als erste in Berlin zur Probefahrt bereit haben, Anfang April geht es los!
Zur Sachlage:
Damit ist das neue eBullitt das technisch ausgereifteste Cargobike auf dem Markt! Ebenfalls ungeschlagen ist auch das Gesammtgewicht: 30kg BAM!
Bis zum Herbst gibt es das eBullitt exklusiv als Classic in schwarz bei uns im Cargo Circus. Alle anderen Rahmenfarben werden schrittweise ab Juni zu haben sein.
Wer eine Probefahrt machen will meldet sich über unser Kontaktformular oder im Laden.
Achja, der Preis! Der beste den wir je machen konnten, fahrbereit und mit der gewohnten Ausstattung gibt es das STePS eBullitt für! Trommelwirbel bitte: 4200,- Euro
Today we have been making gears among other things
NYC Resistor now has a Gopher site at gopher://gopher.nycresistor.com, although your web browser must be sufficiently standards compliant and/or hip to use it. One such browser is Lynx, shown here running on a Kaypro 2.
We will be making a batch of wheat past and using it to glue improvised poster to some of the walls at the space. Wheat past is a simple CHEAP glue mixture made from flower and water. It is often used for street art (Graffiti)
@funvill will be running the night, I have a few posters that I have been meaning to put up at the new space as well as wrapping one of the columns with a long cat 14 ft poster. Similar to the one that was at “the bunker”.
You are encouraged to bring your own posters for wheat pasting as long as they are not racist, sexist, homophobic in nature.
The space needs to have more charm!
Wednesday: March 25th, 2015 @ 7:30pm – 9pm
1715 Cook street #104
@funvill (Steven Smethurst) will be bottom lining the event.
Anyone is welcome, guest, members and friends.
Build a wireless parabolic mic from ordinary hardware, then transmit its sound to any FM radio.
The post Squirrel-Baffle Spy Microphone appeared first on Make:.
Referent: hannes
Ort: CCCB, Marienstraße 11, 10117 Berlin
Uhrzeit: 20 Uhr
Wikieintrag: http://ift.tt/1BTKjwU
Transport Layer Security ist das meist benutzte Sicherheitsprotokoll im Internet. In den letzten Monaten und Jahren wurden vermehrt diverse Sicherheitsluecken in weit verbreiteten Implementierungen gefunden (Apple’s goto fail, Heartbleed, Freak, Triple Handshake, Poodle, …).
Liefert TLS uns die Sicherheit, fuer die es urspruenglich geschaffen wurde?
Diese ruehren daher, dass viele Implementierungen durchaus umfangreich sein muessen: TLS benutzt verschiedene kryptographische Methoden, X.509 (codiert in ASN.1) Zertifikate zur Authentifizierung, die API von vielen Bibliotheken ist komplex. Ausserdem sind mehrere Versionen von TLS standardisiert, die unterstuetzt werden.
In dem Vortrag wird hannes kurz das TLS Protokoll erklaeren, einige Fehlerklassen beschreiben, und einen Programmierstil vorstellen, um solche Fehlerklassen zu vermeiden. Diesem Stil folgend hat hannes im letzten Jahr TLS implementiert, dass viele diese Fehlerklassen nicht beinhaltet.
Links zum Thema
* http://ift.tt/1xNs49D
* http://ift.tt/1qSnWVc
* http://ift.tt/16M66uZ
Für mehr Updates zu Datengärten in Berlin folgt doch einfach @clubdiscordia.
Op zaterdag 28 maart kan iedereen weer vrij binnenlopen in een hackerspace. Hackerspaces zijn locaties waar mensen met een technische creatieve instelling bijeenkomen om te werken aan projecten of om gezellig te keuvelen. Tijdens deze open dag is het mogelijk om te zien wat bijvoorbeeld hacken inhoudt en te zien wat er allemaal kan in een hackerspace.
Enkele voorbeelden van activiteiten zijn:
Ook zijn er per hackerspace verschillende presentaties te zien van de individuele projecten die in deze hackerspace worden uitgevoerd.
Hackers vinden ethiek een belangrijk onderwerp, en onderscheiden zich van computercriminelen door een sterk gevoel voor ethisch handelen. Tijdens de open-hackerspaces-dag zal worden uitgelegd hoe hackers bijdragen aan een betere wereld door met een frisse blik naar de maatschappij, techniek en organisaties te kijken, en hoe zij hun kennis met de samenleving delen. Daarnaast zijn hackerspaces ook plekken waar mensen die gewoon mooie dingen maken welkom zijn en gemeenschappelijke ruimte, gereedschappen, gelijkgestemden en inspiratie kunnen vinden. In allerlei vormen: van figuurzagen en ambachtelijk smeden tot biohacking en moleculair koken.
Iedereen is welkom om een kijkje te komen nemen tijdens de open dag. Vanaf 10:00 uur ‘s ochtends zijn de deuren geopend en om 17:00 is het dagprogramma afgelopen. Sommige hackerspaces blijven ‘s avonds geopend.
Aanmelden is niet nodig, het wordt vaak wel op prijs gesteld als pers zich vooraf meldt. Bij sommige hackerspaces zal er gelegenheid zijn om ‘s avonds mee te eten, waarvoor aanmelding wel nodig is.
Veel van de Nederlandse hackerspaces doen mee, kijk voor meer informatie over het programma op hun eigen websites.
* Almere – Sk1llz – http://ift.tt/1BMQcvZ
* Amersfoort – Bitlair – http://ift.tt/19w6AaU
* Amsterdam – Technologia Incognita – http://ift.tt/1BMQcMd
* Arnhem – Hack42 – http://ift.tt/19w6AaW
* Den Haag – RevSpace – http://ift.tt/1BMQcMf
* Enschede – TkkrLab – http://ift.tt/1DVB79q
* Heerlen – ACKspace – http://ift.tt/19w6xMc
* Leeuwarden – Frack – http://ift.tt/1BMQenk
We, at tog, like to extend the usability of items for as long as possible. (Or at least that is our excuse for all the out-of-date tech laying about.) So back in May of last year when we were offered a very large format printer, it was hard to say no. (Stay with me sewists.)
Some members took it in, gave it some TLC, and we even found a roll of paper at ReCreate! But then we hit a problem. The last available drivers for it are Windows XP 32-bit. Which is not exactly commonplace anymore.
Then, a short while, and some internet searching, ago, we discovered that gutenprint-cups, the default printing facility on many linux distros actually supports this printer! It’s not hard to intall; plug in the USB cable, open a browser, go to http://localhost:631/ and press the right buttons. Done.
Long story short; the printer lives again! And for you sewists out there; ever buy a digital pattern and have to spend hours taping together A4 sheets? Well, if you can also get a large form pattern, you won’t have to do that anymore! Just visit tog some Craft Night and we’ll sort you out!
El labo de juguete y Flexible presentan su primer taller de construcción de una serie de juguetes electrónicos. En esta oportunidad, regresa la Calandria:
La Calandria es un sencillo circuito sonoro que emula los sonidos de pájaros e insectos y mucho más. El taller incluye todos los materiales y te guiaremos durante todo el proceso de construcción y puesta en funcionamiento. Niños desde 9 años pueden concurrir acompañados por una persona mayor.
La Calandria es hardware abierto. Si tenés alguna experiencia en electrónica, tal vez quieras fabricarla por tu cuenta. Aquí el link.
Seguimos en contacto!
Next time you visit NYC Resistor, you might notice a new LED clock above the laser room door. It’s built with a surplus AMD1026 one-line LED display that has been re-brained with a SparkCore. Eventually we might take advantage of it being online to interface with the laser reservation system. For more details on interfacing with the hardware and the source code, check out trmm.net/SparkSign.
gopher://gopher.nycresistor.com/1 is now live!
For those of you aching to find out more about NYC Resistor while surfing the arpanet on your mosaic browsers, fret not. We’ve got you covered. Now with our newly launched gopher services you can keep in touch with the modern era from the comfort of your golden age of technology and grand self delusion. We aim to please!
Many people ask me about the branded push stick I use in my videos.
The post DiResta: Push Sticks appeared first on Make:.
Makerspace and Py-CU Present
We will be holding a Pi Day Celebration this Saturday and we want to invite you all to attend!
We have the following super fun Pi Day activities planned:
Come and celebrate this mathematical awesomeness!
All proceeds from the event event will be donated directly to Makerspace Urbana so we can continue providing services to the community!
Check out the full schedule and details at the event page.
You have just finished building an awesome electronics project. Now you need to find a housing for it. You could just stick it in a plain plastic box. But project enclosures that you buy from a store are expensive and are rarely the right size. So why not build your […]
The post Custom Project Enclosure appeared first on Make:.
March Elections are upon us and I’d like to share my thoughts on how to choose the best candidates.
Nach zahlreichen Einreichungen gibt es für’s Easterhegg 2015 eine erste Version des Fahrplans. Es sind noch kleinere Änderungen möglich, zumal wir noch bis Freitag Einreichungen an cfp@eh15.easterhegg.eu akzeptieren. *hint*
Wer noch kein Ticket hat, kein Problem, der Presale läuft auch noch. :-)
Make your own chocolate-hazelnut paste that’s better than store-bought
The post DIY “Nutella” Spread appeared first on Make:.
Take amazing high-magnification photos with your own phone and the lens from a cheap laser pointer.
The post Smartphone Microscope appeared first on Make:.
Create a high-voltage loudspeaker that makes sound waves by vibrating an electric arc
The post Plasma Arc Speaker appeared first on Make:.
Win your very own Raspberry Pi Model 2 Starter Pack!
Buy a raffle ticket for your chance to win AdaFruit’s Raspberry Pi Model 2 Starter Kit (original retail value of $104.95).
Tickets are $5 and will be sold at the bake sale held in the Zine Library. You can purchase as many tickets as you like!
Directly aimed towards the younger crowd. Learn how to calculate different-sized circles from various objects, including an actual pie! Those who can measure these objects and then calculate Pi will receive a Pi symbol airbrushed on their face!
Activity will be located in the Makerspace.
Satisfy your sweet tooth AND help support our space! Buy some yummy goodies from us!
The bake sale will be located in the Zine Library in the basement of the Independent Media Center, next to the Makerspace. We will be selling goodies from 11 am until they run out!
If you would like to donate to the bake sale, please sign up.
Die ersten Bewegtbilder des Tiefziehtischs, der sich in den letzten 5 Monaten auf unserer Raumstation zusammengerendert hat.
Mit diesem Gerät kann man Platten von 1m x 1m thermoplastisch verformen. Z.b. zur Herstellung von Gehäusen, Abdeckungen, Wandverkleidungen, Raumstationskomponenten und vielem mehr.
Die Raumstation hat es in die Graphic Novel “être là avec Amnesty International” geschafft. Christophe Dabitch berichtet in 13 Episoden, die von unterschiedlichen Zeichnerinnen und Zeichnern umgesetzt wurden, aus verschiedenen Ländern und eben dem Cyberspace.
Hier die Seite mit der c-base aus der Episode “Cybermonde” von Daniel Blancou.
Erschienen ist das 180 Seiten starke Buch als Hardcover im Verlag Futuropolis (25€)
Leider nur auf französisch…
Where: VHS
When: Thursday, March 5th, ,2015, 7:30 – 10:30 pm
Cost: Free and open to everyone
Remember back in the day when you’d use your slide rule to calculate square roots, your 16K computer to play Xs and Os, or your phonograph to listen to the latest hits? Those days are back.
Bring your old computer, machines, radios, gaming systems, tools, devices, and of course….beer and hang out for a night of tinkering, show and tell, and reminiscing at the hack space.
Please don’t bring anything that is excessively radioactive or that contains asbestos.
Devices must be manufactured prior to 1990. Open to everyone!
On Saturday, 21st of March we’ll visit the camp site to have a first look and exchange ideas and plans.
Please come and join us if you plan to be part of a village or project that has special needs, e.g. regarding place and infrastructure. Also feel invited if you are part of a team and/or if you are willing to spend a good amount of your time to support us organizing the camp. If you plan to do anything special (like a really big tent or another temporary structure), where getting a feel for the site would make things easier, please feel free to sign-up for the visit!
We’ll meet either at 11 AM in Berlin for a bus-shuttle, or at 1 PM directly at Ziegeleipark in Mildenberg.
Please tell us if you want to attend by writing us an e-mail in English or German to camp2015-fieldday@cccv.de:
Please let us know if your interested asap as we need to have an idea about the number of people who want to take the bus and who want to attend in general.
See you there!
Managing private communication on the internet is a bit like space travel: It’s not impossible but the technology involved is difficult to use. Bring your laptop and your crypto-curiosity to Resistor on March 11th, 7:00pm for hands-on help with end-to-end secure email, anonymous web browsing, and general good practices for online privacy with folks that have been using this stuff for slightly longer than most. If you’re already an uber l337 cypherpunk and have a PGP key already, stick around for a key signing and probably some snacks!
Euer lieblings Shop für Cargobikes in Berlin hat die neuen Modelle und Versionen des beliebtesten Lastenrades von allen… The BULLITT
Unsere Freunde Larry und Harry aus Kopenhagen haben wieder zugeschlagen und einiges Neues für euch in 2015 vorgestellt.
Trommelwirbel, bitte!
Die neuen BULLITT Modelle 2015…
…sind das wunderbare Indgo (dark blue)
und die neue Pflicht für jeden Kaffeeröster, Mrs. Sugar (brown)
Damit sind jetzt insgesamt 11 Modelle zu haben, hier der ganze Regenbogen:
Eine kleine Neuerung wird es bei den Modellen Chuck (gelb) und Red geben. Das gelb ist jetzt noch goldiger und das Modell wird Submarine heißen. Bei der Variante in Rot steht absofort Pepper drauf.
Neu ist auch das vordere Headset, schrittweise werden die neuen Bullitt Rahmen vorne ein 1 1/8″ Headset haben, die alte Klammer verschwindet und das Lager wird noch ein bisschen groesser.
Weiter geht es in der Saison 2015 mit zwei neuen und an einem Lastenrad nie dagewesenen Garnituren. Wir präsentieren von unseren Kollegen aus Japan, Shimano SAINT und ZEE!
Was normalerweise an einem richtigen Dirt Bike mit Vollfederung steile Hänge hinunter rast kann jetzt auch am schärfsten Cargobike im Kiez verbaut werden. Die Shimano Saint ist eine komplette Mountain Bike Garnitur und wird mit einer speziellen Gabel (nur schwarz) für das Bullitt geliefert. Die Preise liegen bei 2800,- Euro für die ZEE und 3400,- Euro für das Highend Modell Saint.
Kann los gehen, was meint ihr? Damit sollte der Start in die neue Saison gelingen!
und das war es für 2015 noch lange nicht, wie aus gewöhnlich gut unterrichteten Kreisen zu hören ist kommt noch mehr in diesem Jahr. Wer noch die letzten Details erfahren möchte kommt am 20. März zur Berliner Fahrradschau und trinkt mit Larry und Gismo ein Bier!
Sail on!
Der Datengarten 47 dreht sich rund um das Thema 3D Druck. Wir geben Euch eine kurze Übersicht über aktuelle Druckverfahren und was davon erschwinglich ist. Wir sprechen über Anwendungsgebiete und wie der 3D-Druck unsere Zukunft verändern wird. Außerdem werden wir nebenbei den kompletten Arbeitsablauf vom 3D-Model bis zum fertigen Ausdruck demonstrieren.
Referent: fightling
Termin: 10. März 2015 um 20 Uhr
Ort: CCCB, Marienstraße 11, 10117 Berlin
Book to Boogie is a monthly series that pairs picture books with dance and movement activities for preschool story time. The series is curated by Kerry Aradhya of Picture Books & Pirouettes and written by a different guest writer each month. We hope that children’s librarians, as well as classroom teachers and dance educators, will find these activities useful and fun!
by Liz Vacco
The Shape Song Swingalong by Stevesongs and David Sim is a great picture book for familiarizing children with shapes visually and then extending that knowledge into kinesthetic experiences. The colorful and playful illustrations, coupled with the rhythmic language (as the book is in fact a song as well, but more on that in a moment), makes it both an engaging read and an engaging activity. Both of these qualities inform my approach to using this book at story time and in dance class.
Because the recorded song (which comes as a CD with the book) has a rather quick pace, I like to read the book out loud first, without accompaniment, stopping to solicit ideas for movement from the students. Collaboratively, we decide on ways to express the different shapes that are mentioned — lines, circles, triangles, and squares — with our bodies. At times, the children’s suggestions are limited to certain body parts. For instance, I often get suggestions of circles and triangles created only using fingers. When this happens, I challenge students to expand upon their ideas, often suggesting the use of different body parts. Once we have decided on our shapes, we read through the book in its entirety, taking time to point out the shapes in the illustrations and to brainstorm additional movement ideas to go with each part of the book — the beachside waterslide, the animal dance party, and more.
When we’re done reading the book, it’s time to turn on the music and dance the story from start to finish. I like to use the recorded version with lyrics so I can concentrate on doing the movements with the kids, all while trying to keep hold of and turn the pages of the book for them to reference as we go. As I mentioned previously, the pace of the song is rather quick, so it’s nice to have established some of the movement ideas in advance. However, at some points, I call out quick prompts to allow for in-the-moment improvisation based on the text.
Toward the end of the song, the chorus repeats several times. I take this opportunity to encourage the children to come up with new and individualized ways of making the shapes with their bodies. I also invite them to experiment with levels as they make their shapes. Slowly working our way down — from high to middle to low — we end on the ground just in time for the final stanzas of the song and final pages of the book. The lyrics announce “We make shapes while we sleep because we’re always dreaming about…lines, lines, circles, circles, squares, squares, squares, squares, triangles, triangles…”
You may, in fact, find yourself dreaming about this book for a bit after introducing it — or may at least hear the song echoing in your head for a few days afterward. Also don’t be surprised if you get multiple requests to read and dance it again, as has been my experience after showing it to a group of students. The song is so cute and catchy and the book makes learning fun, so why not?
If you’d like to incorporate more singalong books and CDs into your story time, Barefoot Books (the publisher of The Shape Song Swingalong) has many more to choose from on their website. If you’re looking for more books with shape and movement themes, Shape Space by Cathryn Falwell and Skippyjon Jones Shape Up by Judy Schachner are good choices.
With a bachelor’s degree in theatre studies from Yale University, Liz Vacco has been a dance, yoga, theater, and early childhood educator for 12 years in New York City and now Los Angeles. She has taught through the New York City Ballet’s Education Program, the California Dance Institute, and various studios and public schools, while also performing in and choreographing for professional productions. She is a strong believer in arts education and promoting physical well-being and opportunities for artistic expression to people of all backgrounds. She is currently pursuing her multiple subject and kinesiology credentials and M.A. in education at Cal State LA and has joined the dance teaching staff at Gabriella Charter School. For more information about Liz and to learn about her original ballet videos for kids, please visit http://ift.tt/WESDAv .
The TOG Lockpicking Group were in the press a few times over the last few weeks. Mainly over the Love Locks removal from the Ha’penny Bridge. At first we got some mixed responses from family members and colleagues but eventually we got them to see us as helping the bridge and not destroyers of love!
If you missed any of the coverage, a TOG member running the @LoveLockNoMore account documented the adventure.
It all started with a quick visit to the bridge to remove 8.7KG of locks:
After a quick session on the bridge last night I liberated 8.7KG of locks from the Ha’penny Bridge. http://ift.tt/1GfOxTG
— LoveLockNoMore (@LoveLockNoMore) February 18, 2015
Then of course Broadsheet.ie pick up on it:
You know your doing something right when @broadsheet_ie write about it and the commenters have something to agree on! http://t.co/OfWcj0sZaw
— LoveLockNoMore (@LoveLockNoMore) February 18, 2015
Then the newspapers picked up on it:
Irish Examiner
The Sunday Times
The Hearld
The Irish Sun
We even managed to squeeze in a bit of run with a quiz :
Would anyone like to guess the number of locks in 13.4kg? Answers on a postcard! Pics were sent out yesterday. Counting tonight for @DCCbeta
— LoveLockNoMore (@LoveLockNoMore) February 19, 2015
Even getting into the Social Media Column in the Irish Examiner:
This week’s @irishexaminer social media column features @bodywhys @LoveLockNoMore and @edsheeran
— Kelly O’Brien (@Kellingtondawg) March 2, 2015
And what is the best result of it all? The Dublin City Council visited the bridge with their cutting tools, and cleared the bridge! I job well done if I do say so myself
Look at the difference last night! Look at what the @DCCbeta were up to on Monday! Bridge looks so much better now. http://ift.tt/1GfOyHi
— LoveLockNoMore (@LoveLockNoMore) February 25, 2015
Hack the Festival finished up last Friday with 15 teams presenting their diverse and innovative digital artworks at Australia’s first art hack. All teams produced incredible results, with team Artifactory (Skot McDonald, Tim Gilchrist, Meg Travers, Craig Wale, Morgan Strong) taking out the $5000 winning prize awarded for their artwork Sonic BollART, which reimagines the urban bollard as interactive community infrastructure with a theremin, reactive LEDs and wifi dead drop music share point. Sonic BollART will be on display at Spacecubed this week. #hackperthfest.
Read their Manifesto, learn What The Hell?? and For The Love Of Gods, Why?? here: BollART project page on the WIKI
Six crypto/privacy/security “professors” and the Cryptotrailer will be at CRASH Space for four hours. Come learn/talk/experiment with:
Radio Frequency Hacking
Searching the Dark Web
Encrypting Email and Files
Trusting Others and Keyrings
Hacking Consumables
Private Virtual Realities
When: Sunday, March 8th, 3-7pm
Where: CRASH Space, 10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City CA 90232
How Much: FREE
What to Bring: Laptop & your brain
Questions: Email michelle@tinwhiskers.net