Monday 4 May 2015



The Nova Labs Kickstarter campaign just reached 100% funding!!

Thank you to ALL our backers so far!

At Nova Labs we couldn’t be more excited that all of you helped make this goal a reality. Our final renovations and Meetup events are in full swing and we are seeing a surge in interest & participation. We welcome more ideas and encourage everyone to come see our space. Attend some events, learn more about Nova Labs, and join in the fun & creativity! There is a lot to learn, especially when the furniture and AV equipment comes in for the brand new classroom!

But wait… there’s more.

With just about 2 weeks left in the campaign, we have plenty of time to knock out a bunch of stretch goals, too. We already announced stretch goal #1 at $27,000 which funds a welding station. That’s at a new goal of 135% funding.

We appreciate everyone for your support, and for sharing in our excitement thus far! Now, please help us spread the word to your friends about the Nova Labs Kickstarter Campaign. You can use this shortened URL:

Thanks again for your generosity!

NOTE: We at Nova Labs consider Kickstarter contributions to be a tax-deductible donation to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, but we are not tax experts. (Makers, yes, tax professionals, absolutely not). To ensure you are treating this transaction correctly, we suggest you consult your tax professional.

from SpaceBlogs

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