Wednesday 13 May 2015

Wireless Hacking Workshop – Saturday 27th June 2015 @ 12:30pm

On Saturday 27th June at 12:30pm our very own jester`, Martin Mitchell or @jayester depending on the circles you run in, will be teaching a Wireless Hacking Workshop.

Wireless networks are everywhere. They have been available to many of us for well over 10 years, and it is something most of us rely on daily. Majority of us have a wireless network in our house, and connect to it regularly with our laptop, phone, games console, media player and now even televisions.

In this practical, hands on workshop I will be stepping you through the different wireless network security modes of 802.11 (WiFi), and demonstrating practical attacks against them. This workshop is not intended to teach you to perform malicious tasks on wireless networks, but it is to show you how easy it is, and how dangerous someone can be knowing even the most basic a few commands. This knowledge can also be used to audit wireless networks. This workshop will to make you more aware of the dangers of using a wireless networks with bad or no security enabled.

For this workshop you will need:

  • A laptop that can run a Virtual Machine, or boot into Kali Linux (
  • A linux install/Virtual Machine with aircrack-ng tools installed or a running Kali Linux installed on Laptop, installed in a Virtual Machine or or USB/DVD boot
  • A wireless card that can perform injection. Known external USB wireless dongles that support injection are the following : TP-Link WN722N (sold on booking form), Alfa AWUS036NHA, Alfa AWUS036H (not manufactured any more)

For the advanced user, there is an option to use a tablet that is supported and installed with a version of Kali Linux known as NetHunter ( While I have used this before, it is entirely up to you to get it installed and working. It takes a lot of time to get this set up, and I will not have time to troubleshoot on the day. I will of course discuss this device on the day. This will still require a USB wireless cause that will support injection, and an OTG adapter. Not recommended for a beginner.

If you prefer not to take part in the practical side, and just want to take notes for your own future practice, no problem, and you certainly will not be the first. You can shoulder surf someone who is taking part. I will be performing all attacks on the projector.

During this course the format is, I will present information on a certain type of attack, demo it, then you will give it a go yourself on the number of wireless networks set up around the building for your attacking pleasure.  Please only attack the wireless networks set up for the course. It will be obvious by the network name. The attacks you will perform during the class, will work out in the real world. I’m trusting you to not attack a wireless network you do not own. So whether this course is to improve  your security auditing ability, satisfy the curious thirst of knowledge or just  want to finally get it working after your own failed attempts, this course if for you.

  • Security technologies and dangers discussed during the course are:
  • Open networks
  • WEP
  • WPA/WPA2
  • WPS
  • WPA Enterprise (RADIUS)

I will also discuss and demo attacks what can be performed on roaming devices, typically laptops and smart devices, and discuss ways of protecting yourself against these types of attacks. Fees


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