The Chaos Communication Camp 2015 approaches with giant steps! Whelp, it’s high time for a round of basic information, so you can plan your journey accordingly.
The dates
Entrance at the Chaos Communication Camp 2011
Picture by Sascha Ludwig
- If you’re part of a Village or as an individual, the earliest reasonable date of arrival will be August 8th. Before that, there won’t be any power, water or Mate supply and you’ll likely stand in the way.
- Disassembly of the event will commence on the evening of August 17th. We need to clear the venue by August 20th.
- We’re going to need lots of people for the teardown and cleanup. You can help out, more on that in the Wiki about volunteers at the Camp!
Motorized vehicles
Special announcements for motorized vehicles
Picture by Sascha Ludwig
- Even during Camp construction time there will be little to no cars allowed at the site of the event. A special procedure will be announced at the entrance and can change from one hour to the next. Please prepare to unload your vehicles at the main entrance and relocate them to the parking lot for the duration of the event. Parking in front of the main entrance will be limited, so better gang up!
- Caravans and Campervans will get their own designated area right next to the venue. Officially it’s outside the main Camp area, so you can move your Campervan for a shopping tour.
- Trucks, Caravans, and Campervans may enter the venue if they’re an integral piece of your Village’s set-up. Those vehicles will need to be in place by August 12th and won’t be able to leave until the event came to a close, so please plan accordingly.
Rental tents and Village construction
Villages at Chaos Communication Camp 2011
Picture by Sascha Ludwig
- If you or your Village rented a tent from our (already closed) tent rental service, we’ll likely have those set up on August 8th as well. Some tents might be set up some time later (after the weekend of 8/9 August), but still before August 13th.
- Your Village will get its own staked out stretch of land! Build as compact as possible. Buffer overflows are usually bad, so please stay within that area to avoid reboots. You might also cooperate with similar villages for a joint space.
Tickets will be up for sale soon™, as well as more information on general infrastructure at the Camp 2015!
from SpaceBlogs
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